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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Writers Diriye Osman &Thomas Glave & First Meeting Writing Commission

It has been such a fascinating month - an LGBT month ! With my first visit to Word Factory - a short fiction event, to see amongst other writers, the fabulous Diriye Osman, a Somalian based in London, read from his book of Short Stories 'Fairytales for Lost Children'. In his book he shows also his considerable visual arts talent, as he supplies the enchanting illustrations.  It is hoped to bring Dirirye Osman, back to Leicester later in the year to share more of his work - watch this space... .  I  subsequently bought his book, which is both moving, poignant and erotic at times.  I went  also to hear Thomas Glave,  a Jamaican Professor of Creative Writing (USA) Writer & LGBT Activist, speak about his work in progress - a  powerful memoir .  It stirred up strong feelings within me, as to Jamaican women, their legacy and impact, upon Thomas Glave and myself as writers.  Additionally the importance  and power of memory, in particular reflecting on personal items e.g  a Mothers passport,  in the development of the writing. In the Q & A  session after, there was discussion about  different identities and moral issues, writing about intimate matters, in relation to living persons.  I am currently reading a collection of short stories by Thomas Glave titled 'Whose Song'.  

Tomorrow evening, it is  a further information exchange and I will meet the other successful writers for the Affective Digital Histories: Creative Writing Commissions Project. Our deadline  to complete our written pieces is set of May 30th 2014. I am very excited and have already had some contact with one of the other writers.  We also  meet the members of our project team, in particular the Centre for New Writing &  Research Staff  based at the Leicester University - some of whom we  have met previously.  Only now the work will begin in earnest, as  to how best to access the research information we all need etc. The research part of a writing project is always enjoyable for me .  As I embark on a huge learning curve about my given subject matter. To then be able to create characters, that are as authentic as I can make them .